
Physical Activity

What is physical activity for preschoolers? 

Physical activity includes playing actively, family fun such as hiking or swimming, and 
anything that gets your child moving! 

Why is physical activity important? 

  •  It helps your child stay healthy.
  •  It helps your child learn good habits early in life.
  •  It gives them an outlet for their natural energy.

How much physical activity should your preschooler get daily? How can you help your preschooler be physically active?

  • Set a good example.  Be physically active yourself.
  • See a list of fun activities including:

Your child loves to move!

Encourage your child to play actively several times each day. 

  • Active play for children can happen in short bursts of time and can be 
  • led by you or your child. Active play can include playing on the playground,
  • playing tag with friends, or throwing a ball. 

How can you raise an active child?
  • Make active play fun for the whole family.  Let your child help plan the fun.
  • Focus on fun, not performance.  All children like to play. They will win when they move, have fun, and are active daily.
  • Set limits on TV and computer time.  Limit TV and other screen time to less than 2 hours a day, as advised by  many doctors. Try reading during inactive time rather than watching TV.
  • Be active yourself.  Active parents tend to raise active children. You influence your child’s behavior, attitudes, and future habits. Be more active and limit your own time watching TV.  Set the example by using safety gear, like bike helmets.